Mining Diamonds

I miss writing consistently. I haven’t even been writing personal posts lately. I can tell the difference in my days when I don’t write. It is easier to get distracted and forget my purpose and direction when I haven’t taken the time to write my thoughts from my prayers, scriptures and experiences.  I hope to…

Irreplaceable Motherhood

Today I will be attending the funeral of a sweet homeschool friend who died very suddenly of an infection. She left behind five little kids ages 1-15. She will be very, very missed by many people. My heart aches so much for her sweet family. Ii makes you think how incredibly important a righteous mother…


I haven’t been taking enough time to reflect and listen. I’ve been in a busy rut… having so much to do that I don’t pause to consider if I’m doing it in the Lord’s way or in His time…or if there is something else He’d rather I focus on. It’s not a good way to…

Health and Group Goals

Getting up to write had been difficult lately. Joy is in the habit of coming on my bed in the middle of the night and keeping me awake. Plus, moving decisions keep my mind racing so I can’t go back to sleep even when she’s not wiggling. Also, I’ve been getting to bed too late.…

Maria and Other Highlights of the Week

Mostly this week we’ve been focused on Maria – the play Cassia, William, Jessalyn and Dallin got to perform. They had four performances this week. The play was inspiring and uplifting.  I’m sure they’ll remember the experience forever, as well as all of the miracles that helped it come to pass. Here are some pictures…

Dallin turns 10

My handsome young Dallin turned 10 this week. We celebrated at the Family Fun Center playing laser tag, bouncing and skating (well, at least I skated. A couple of the kids tried and gave it up. I guess we need to go more often). Laser tag was fun because we got to go in as…